Goodnight Journal

Write personal journal

Best personal journal app & online journal community.

Goodnight Journal is the only personal journal app that offers modern design that works the same on any device, with the community and features to boost your mental health.

Goodnight Journal was launched on Jan 1, 2013 and has been serving hundreds of thousands members in the world.

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Goodnight Journal Annual/Monthly membership

After running Goodnight Journal for 7 years with no membership fee and any advertisements, We noticed that it's very hard to maintain the app with good quality content. Spams and unconsidered comments were made every day which also cost me more time and money to maintain the app. To solve the problem and being able to fund the project for me to pay full attention to the app, We decided to implement a freemium model to the new app.

However, that does not mean you have to pay to use Goodnight Journal. You can still write as many private journals as you want for free that does not require any of your personal information besides email address. Because the data shows that most people write their journals privately and We really want Goodnight Journal to be the place for everyone to come and write at any time they want and as many as they want. You can still become a paid member if you want to support the community but It's entirely up to you.

While you can still read and like public journals in the community, writing public journals and commenting on them became paid features. This reduces the number of users to participate in the community but also the number of spams and low quality content. We learned that it is very hard to manage and maintain the community in a good shape especially when it’s free and anyone can write things anonymously.

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Our vision

We want to build a community that feels like home where you can still express fully and make comforting and cheerful comments to others.

Where you can get healed and re-charged and be excited to come. This will also allow me to run this app smoothly and implement more features to make journaling more fun. We know this won’t happen overnight and we will never stop working on it to make it happen over time. Please reach out to me if you have any issue paying for the membership fee. We would love to help you out!

There are many journal and diary apps out there that you can use. However, there aren’t many journal apps that also offer a community where you can be motivated, inspired, and get connected with more people like you. Goodnight Journal is building that community. Beyond simple journal writing, we are building the community where all writers get motivated, inspired, and get connected with other writers and hopefully that will make your life better.

We would always love to hear from you for any feedback or comment.

Start writing for free now,

and if you want additional features, consider becoming a member at anytime!

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