The Benefits Of Keeping A Journal

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There are a lot of benefits to keeping a journal. If you have been wondering why write journal pages when you could be spending time doing other things you should consider these proven benefits that you can get from keeping a journal:

Less Stress

One study that was done on the impact of journaling indicated that journaling for just ten to fifteen minutes each day over the course of a few months significantly reduced stress levels in the study participants who journaled. Stress is a chronic problem that most people suffer from and it takes a huge toll on the body. High stress levels can increase your chances of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, and other serious health problems. So quit asking yourself why write journal pages and just start writing if you need to reduce your stress.

Better Sleep

Writing out your worries, annoyances, and other things that are stressing you out before bed can help eliminate insomnia and improve the quality of your sleep. Spending just 15 to 30 minutes writing in a journal in a stream of consciousness style can reduce anxiety and help you work through all the things that happened during the day that are still bugging you. That will help you relax and go to sleep instead of staying up all night worrying and thinking about the day. If you’re the kind of person who goes back and replays conversations or events in your head after a long day writing about those conversations or events is a fantastic way to get them out of your head so you can rest.

More Creativity

If you have always felt that you are creative but don’t know how to get in touch with that creativity journaling is a fun way to bring out your creative side. According to creativity and writing coach Julia Cameron if you get up each morning and write three pages of stream of consciousness writing you will start feeling more creative almost immediately. You can break through creative blocks and start to change your perspective on life by establishing a daily journal routine. Keep a notebook and a pen by your bed and get yourself in the habit of writing down everything you’re thinking and feeling right when you get up. Fill three pages in your notebook each day and you’ll be shocked at how fast you notice yourself becoming more creative.

Better Physical Health

Establishing a regular journaling practice can lead to better physical health as well as mental health. When people ask why write journal pages most health providers will say that journaling can help stave off serious illnesses. It even can boost your immune system so that you don’t get sick as often and you’re not sick for long when you do catch a bug.

Emotional Healing

Most people have some kind of trauma in their pasts that is still affecting them today. By journaling in constructive ways you can start to heal from that trauma so that you can move forward and be the motivated, successful, and healthy person you were born to be. Don’t ask why write journal pages, just get a notebook and a pen and get started journaling. You will start to notice big changes in your health and wellness right away.

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