How To Fit Personal Journal Time Into Your Day

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One of the biggest reasons why people don’t start a personal journal practice is that they think they don’t have time. Modern life is hectic. If you have a family, a job, and other obligations sometimes it can be hard enough just to get the basics done. It can seem like there isn’t another minute in the day to do anything else, especially taking 30 minutes for a personal journaling practice. But there are so many benefits that come from journaling that it’s worth carving out 30 minutes a day to invest in yourself. You will have less stress, you’ll sleep better, and you’ll feel better mentally and physically. If you want to start a journaling practice but just don’t know how to find the time here are some tips from organizational experts to help:

Get Up Earlier

This is a tough one for many people. If you’re already barely getting enough sleep getting up 30 minutes earlier can sound like torture. And at first it will probably feel like it is. The first week of getting up earlier will be tough. But after that you’ll adjust and it will be easier. You will start to see and feel the benefits of keeping a personal journal and you will love that uninterrupted time first thing in the morning. Just try it and you’ll see. Stick with it for a week and you’ll be amazed at the results.

Skip Social Media At Night

Social media has a lot of harmful effects on mood and on sleep so why spend your evening scrolling through social media? Shut your phone or table off 30 minutes earlier than you usually do and spend that time writing in a personal journal instead. You don’t have to quit social media completely, just spend less time on social media and more on yourself. Most people spend an average of seven hours a day on social media. You can afford to take 30 minutes away from your social media time and spend it on yourself instead.

Journal On A Break

If you don’t have time at home to write in your journal try doing your journaling when you’re on a break at work. Typically people don’t spend their entire lunch break eating during the day. Eat your lunch and then go outside and spend some time getting fresh air and writing in your journal. You will go back to work relaxed and ready to face the rest of the day.

Do It In Small Amounts

Your personal journal time doesn’t have to be a full block of 30 minutes. If you’re very busy and just can’t carve out a full 30 minute block of time write in your personal journal in quick five or ten minute increments. Microjounraling will give you all the benefits of journaling but in small chunks. You can go back through your journal when you have more time to expand on the ideas that you wrote about or follow up on questions that you wrote in your journal at earlier times.

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