Not Sure How To Start A Journal? Check Out These Journal Examples

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If you’re one of those people that loves the idea of keeping a journal but you don’t know what to keep a journal for or how to get started journal examples can be a big help. Seeing what kinds of journals other people enjoy and how other people start journals can kickstart your own creativity and show you how to start a regular journal practice to improve your health and well-being. Check out these journal examples and use them as a starting point to discover your own favorite journal styles:

Stream Of Consciousness Journals

A stream of consciousness journal is something that you should never show to anyone else. The purpose of this type of journal is just to help you process through your own thoughts. When you write a stream of consciousness journal you sit down at the page and write one to three pages without stopping. You just write anything and everything that comes into your head. Journal examples of stream of consciousness writing can be tough to find because they are not supposed to be shared, but you really can’t do them wrong. Just write.

Intention Journals

Intention journals are designed to keep you focused on what you want to achieve or what you want to manifest in your life. You should divide a journal into four sections and name each section. One section should be your one month goals, the next one should be your three month goals, the next one should be your six month goals, and the next should be your one year goals. You can use each section to record your goals, habits that you want to start, or habits that you can want to change. Then create an action plan to make those changes happen and use your journal to help you achieve those changes.

Memory Journals

Memory journals are journal examples of the wonderful creativity that can come from journaling. You can create memory journals that reflect your favorite childhood memories, your favorite songs including lyrics and when you first heard that song, or you can create a memory journal for someone else. If you have someone in your family that has Alzheimer’s disease or dementia creating a memory journal full of family photos, stories about your time with that person, and other memories can help that person remember pieces of their life and the people that mattered the most.

Inspiration Journals

Inspiration journals can keep you motivated to achieve goals by setting your intention to achieve a particular thing. For example, if you want to go back to school an inspiration journal that is filled with college photos, cutouts from a course catalog, and other information about school can help you visualize yourself back at school and getting a degree. That can keep you motivated to achieve that goal.

Art Journals

There are many journal examples of stunning art journals. Art journals can be created for any purpose that you choose and you can use art journals to explore different kinds of art. You might want to create a mixed media journal, or a journal that is just pencil drawings, or one that is just photos. There is no limit when it comes to art journaling except your imagination.

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